
We recently sat down with PartySavvy client, Chris Nash, to hear a little more about her experiences working with PartySavvy. Here’s what she had to say:


PartySavvy: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Chris Nash: I’ve been working for Jacobs Engineering for almost five years. My most recent position is as office manager.


PartySavvy: How did you get started working with PartySavvy & what type of events you have used PartySavvy for in the past?  

Our primary caterer for major events, All In Good Taste Productions, recommended PartySavvy to us.  We employ PartySavvy for events that call for the use of tents, tables and chairs, and other major equipment.


PartySavvy: Why do you choose to work with PartySavvy when you need an event rental company?

CN: We are a repeat customer because Dan Skena and his team have proven themselves time and again to be the best in the business.  It doesn’t matter how many specification changes, relentless questions, or curve balls we throw at Dan; he continually accommodates us with professionalism, courtesy, boundless knowledge, kindness, and humor!


PartySavvy: Would you recommend PartySavvy for those looking to hire an event rental company?

CN: Yes!, We would highly recommend PartySavvy to anyone looking for an event rental company.

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