Each component in our chafing dishes and urns is either engraved and/or labeled with our name. Please make sure each piece you return is properly engraved or labeled. We will not take back parts that do not belong to us.
Please Remember:
1. Do not use anything except Sterno type fuel in the burner.
2. Never light the burner before putting liquid into the water pan or urn. Low flame is sufficient to maintain proper heat. (You can control the intensity of the flame by closing the lid part of the way, on the Sterno holder.)
3. Do not put the unit on a hot stove or near an open flame.
4. Stainless steel food pans may be used for cooking. They may also be placed in the over to keep food hot.
5. Chafing dish water pans should be filled with hot water. Check water pan while in use to insure sufficient water is maintained at all times.
Cleaning Instructions:
Before returning chafing dishes, please scrape and wash food pans. Wash chafing dishes and urns in lukewarm water and a mild detergent. DO NOT USE HARSH ABRASIVES.
Cleaning Charges:
Items returned dirty will require special handling. You will be charged 50% of the rental as a cleaning charge on items returned dirty.
We also rent extra long serving spoons and tongs designed for chafing dishes.
View all of our Chafing Dish rental options.