At PartySavvy, we offer tents for sale, in addition to tent rentals. While the vast majority of our tent business involves rentals, there are times when buying a tent, new or used, is the better option.

Long-Term Rentals

The majority of our tent rentals are for single, one-day events, however, longer term rentals of weeks or months have become fairly common due to the pandemic. Customers such as hospitals, country clubs, restaurants, schools, and others have turned to tent rentals to fill a specific need during the pandemic. We’ve developed a customer-friendly pricing formula for these longer duration rentals in order to meet these unique circumstances.

Factors to Consider

In most cases, unless you are planning to use a tent on a seasonal basis, year after year, owning it is probably not cost effective. Most of the tents we have sold over the years have been to venues that host events during the good weather months. Having the tent allows them to expand their capacity, and to offer an outdoor option, in addition to their indoor space.

Venues that own tents for seasonal use typically need to rely on a rental company to provide services such as installation, removal, cleaning, and off-season storage. Whenever we sell a tent, new or used, we offer these services; the fees are based on the type and size(s) of the tent(s). These are the ongoing costs of owning a tent, beyond the initial purchase.

Most of the new tents we sell involve some amount of customization in order to meet the specific needs of the site. In many cases, stock sizes are not suitable.

When Should You Purchase a Tent?

Now and then, we get requests for the purchase of used tents in stock sizes for occasional use. Since very few customers have the ability to do the installation and removal of most rental tents, they would need to pay us for those services; in most cases, the labor charges for these services comes close to the cost of a tent rental, which makes it hard to justify the purchase. One exception to this general rule has to do with our lightweight party canopies. The party canopies are most often rented as a do-it-yourself tent option, as they are relatively easy for customers to set up and remove themselves. When we offer the used party canopies for sale, the sale price is typically two to three times the cost of a rental, based on the age and condition of the canopy.  It’s pretty easy to justify the purchase or a used party canopy, even for occasional use. As long as the canopy is properly cared for, and not put away wet, it can provide many years of useful life.

What Is A Tent’s Useful Life?

Speaking of useful life; customers often ask how many years they can expect to get out of a tent. Most of the tents we rent and sell are frame tents, which have an aluminum frame with a vinyl top. Under normal usage, the aluminum frame should last for decades; it is possible that a tent could be damaged by a severe storm, or that an aluminum casting may crack and need to be replaced, but for the most part, the frame parts do not wear out. The useful life of the tent top varies based on usage; if they are being used on a seasonal basis (6-7 months per year), and they are cleaned in the off-season, and thoroughly dried before storage, it is reasonable to expect to get 7-10 years of useful life out of a tent top.

If you are considering the purchase of a tent, new or used, PartySavvy can help. Please follow the link below to see examples some of the custom-built tent solutions we have designed and installed for our customers.


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